Gen Sheets and her team are all geared up and ready to pass out fresh fruits and veggies. Please consider coming by Wednesday, May 20th, between 11 and 12:30 to get a goodie box. Hope to see then!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Come get a box!
A special thank you to Gen, Shannon, Brenda, Kim, and Bernie who make this possible.
Livingston Families-Important Dates!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Important Dates!
Reminder: Today (5/18) is a free meal pick up day from 11:00-12:30 at Cody High School, Sunset Elementary School, and Mentock Park.
almost 5 years ago, Park County School District 6
Tune in to the May 19, 2020 school board meeting by using this link:
almost 5 years ago, Park County School District 6
Some added on fun as the Block Party continues.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Mrs. Williams
Bubble hands with Mrs. Elder
4th Grade Mrs. Lozier and Mrs. Johnston
Mrs. Macias
Block Party 'drive and wave' around Livingston Elementary. Teachers had signs of encouraging messages as students passed. Schools closed for the rest of the year. We will not be heading back to classrooms. It was fun, but an emotional way to tell our kids we love them.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Ms. Wetzel
Mrs. Kelley #weareinthistogether
Mrs. V
Block Party Parade
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Mr. Smith and Ms. Allen
Mr. Wood
Block Party Parade Mrs. Nicola
Mr. Grant Block Party
Covid-19 Livingston success in their homes. Snap shots of e-learning.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
1st grade writing and the packet team.
1st grade and 3rd math and writing.
Packet team all ready for parents.
Coronavirus E-Learning It's a technical world we live in today. We've had to adapt with different teaching methods, setting goals, and establishing high expectations. Here's a quick look at what our teachers and students have been working on.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
At home learning
E-Learning, Reading and Social Studies.
Art, Math Facts, and Google Classroom.
Zoom with Mrs. Kelley, AR goals, and Writing.
Dine with Dads
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Dining with their Dad's
Dine with Dad's
Dine with Dad's
Dine with Dad's