Livingston Families: Here is our lunch menu. You can also refer to our website by clicking on Livingston, going to the EXPLORE tab, then the tan DINING bubble. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Lunch Menu
Park County School District #6 Presents 2020 Veterans Day Movie Program For Veterans and their families at the Bighorn Cinemas Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Shows at 9:00am and 10:30am
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Veterans Day 2020
Livingston Families: Just a reminder the REC CENTER is closed on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, in honor of Veterans Day. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Veterans Day 2020
Livingston Families: In honor of our Veterans Program: please wear RED, WHITE, and Blue Friday, Nov. 6th. Thank you for you help and support.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Veterans Day Videoing.
Livingston Families: The November Newsletter is ready to view, here is the link, or you can find this on our website under documents, and news. Happy Reading! Please call the office if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
November Newsletter
Livingston Families: please see link for updated information on COVID-19. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Covid-19  Information
Livingston Families: Here's what the lost & found looks like today! Next Friday this will be donated. Have your child be on the look out for any missing items this coming week. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Lost and Found 10/23/20
Livingston Families: We have a part-time position available now! For more information on this Support Staff/Teacher Assistant (Para) please click on our park6 link:
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Livingston Job Opening
Livingston Families: Character Counts Week 19th-23rd. October 19th-23rd Livy will be celebrating Character Counts week by focusing on our Schools PBIS Livy R.O.C.K.S. Character Traits. Each day of the week we will be celebrated by wearing a specific color associated with each character trait. Monday- Students wear Red to Celebrate being Respectful! Tuesday- Students wear Gold to Celebrate being On Task! Wednesday- Students wear Blue to Celebrate being Cooperative! Thursday- Students wear White to Celebrate being Kind! Friday- Students wear Green to Celebrate being Safe! Students who are observed exemplifying the character trait of the day will have the opportunity to enter a drawing that will take place at the end of the day on Friday. Specific prizes will be associated with specific character trait. Please help your child participate in Character Counts Week at Livy! Livy ROCKS!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Character Counts
Livingston Families: Here is our lunch menu for next week. You can also refer to our website by clicking on Livingston, going to the EXPLORE tab, then the tan DINING bubble.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Lunch Menu
Livingston Families: NO SCHOOL-OCTOBER, 12TH!! This is a Professional Development for our teachers. Have a nice long weekend! See you Tuesday!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Livingston Families: Free food!To-go meals will be available for curbside pick up Wednesday's from 11-12 at the front entrance of Cody High School. This is for children not school age, not attending school in person, or attending our rural schools. An example would be younger siblings, kids homeschooling or even the kids from Valley and Wapiti. Children do not have to be present for the weekly meal pick-up, just send a healthy adult along to collect 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches for the week along with milk per child.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Free Food
Livingston School: Some updates as we push forward into the month of October. 1) Please check out our Oct. newsletter, here is the link: 2) Birthday Treats: treats must continue to be store purchased, but not necessarily individually wrapped. For example, if a parent purchases a cake or cupcakes from Albertsons the teacher may serve the items to students. Only one adult wearing gloves and mask will handle the treats. 3) A message from Mr. Wood: please see link on our 20-21 school year goals 4) New info. on Kiss and Go
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Drive Thru Flu Clinic Wednesday, Oct. 14th!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Flu Clinic
Please support Mrs. Schramm with this wonderful bike opportunity. See details below. Visit to donate today.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Bike Fundraiser
Bike Fundraiser
Livingston Families: Park County School Dist. 6 has provided your student(s) with two washable face gaiters. Please continue to wear your labeled, laundered, gaiter or mask. Thank you for keeping everyone safe.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Livingston families: A few announcements. 1. Students who are not eating breakfast at 7:45 am, will need to go to the playground before the attendance bell. We are not letting students in any earlier. Older kids can be dropped off in the back. Thank you for supporting your teachers. 2. The lunch menu is constantly changing. Please refer to the updated menu here 3. Our gaiters have not arrived, but we are hoping to get these soon. 4. Please send your student with a labeled mask and water bottle daily. Thank you for your continued support to keep our students and staff safe!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Special announcements.
Livingston Homecoming 2020: Here's what's happening starting Sept. 28th-Oct. 2nd
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Homecoming 2020
Homecoming 2020
Livingston Families~When dropping off or picking up your student, please try to not block any of the surrounding home driveways. We've had a couple of complaints about driveways being blocked by parent cars. Thank you for your cooperation! Mr. Wood
over 4 years ago, Kim Smith
Livingston Families: NO SCHOOL-Labor Day. Monday, Sept. 7th. Have a nice long weekend!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
No School