Livingston Families: Valentine’s Day Gifts and Deliveries Valentine’s Day is a special time to celebrate and show kindness to others. We’re asking parents for help this year in celebrating this at home. Please refrain from sending gifts. Thank you for your continued support.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Valentine Protocol 2021
Livingston Families: Kindness week is February 16th - February 19th. Student Council will be hosting dress-up days and few different activities. Details to come. We are doing different dress-up days to support that week. I know some classes are on snowshoe trips, some are at rehearsals, etc., if that dress-up day does not work for you, it is fine to not dress-up that day. Feb 16 - Crazy for Kindness (crazy hair day) Feb 17 - Ride the Kindness Wave (beach/ Hawaiian clothing) Feb 18 - Peace, Love and Kindness (1970s) Feb 19 - Dream of Kindness (pjs) Thank you and have fun!
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Kindness Week 2021
Livingston Parents - a quick note to let you know that we ran into some conflicts with the program being scheduled for February 11, it has been rescheduled for the following week on Thursday, February 18. It will be videoed, so there will NOT be a live performance. I will send out more information on sending their costume to school for their video performance as we get closer to the 18th. Thank you for your help and support! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Mrs. Scott Phone – 587-4271 Hm – 527-6734 Email –
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Performance date change
Livingston Families: Our February Newsletter is ready to view, here is the link: or you can refer to our FB page and/or our Livingston website at Thank you and have a great weekend.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
February Newsletter 2021
Livingston Families: SOUP-ER BOWL TIME! We are unable to do our SOUP-er BOWL food drive this year. Instead we have turned it into a fundraiser and we will give the CODY CUPBOARD a monetary donation. The class that fills the most soup cans with change will win a CAN pizza party! This will run from 1-25 to 2-5 thank you for your support. If you have any questions please feel free to email Emmie Schramm at
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Soup-er Bowl 2021
Hello Livingston School Kindergarten and 1st grade parents! This is an important call to let you know that we are rehearsing for the Kindergarten/1st Grade Music Program that will be Thursday, February 11th. Your child’s teacher sent the parent note home with your child today! Please check their backpack to be sure they have and you get it. If you did not, please double check with your child’s teacher to make sure they sent it home. If you have any questions after reading the parent note, please contact me! My contact information is on the bottom of this note. Thank you! Mrs. Scott
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Music Concert  Feb 11th.
Livingston Families: check it out! The Center of the West misses all of our local families at the museum, so here’s the next best thing! Families compete against each other in a trivia night family feud. The questions are focused on the museum collection and the Yellowstone area. Sunset Elementary School Principal, Jay McCarten, is the guest co-host. So register online ahead of time and get ready to show us what you know about the Center of the West. And win prizes! Register (just $5 per family) at You'll receive info on how to join us through Zoom and play the game through Quizizz! Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
BBC Virtual Family Night
Livingston Families: Here is our 2021/2022 School Calendar. You may go to: / Explore / About Us / District Calendar / District Calendar 2021-2022
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
School Year 21/22
Livingston Families: Student Council will be starting a fundraiser at the end of the month and we are in need of empty, rinsed out soup cans. Please save any cans you have and leave them in the front office. Thank you. - Student Council Kids
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Student Council fundraiser
Livingston Families: Did you miss having your child's class photos last year? I know the kids did. They missed out on so much that we didn't want to erase their school year altogether. So many parents inquired about how to get a class photo, so the wonderful teachers at Livingston School came through and showed up so your child could have something to remember who they shared a class with. Click this link and enter livylizards for the passwords. There, you can view and order your class photos. Please call, facebook message, or email the Thompson Portrait Studios for questions. All of the contact information is included in the link.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Class Photo from 19-20
Livingston Families: GSMW is offering an awesome upcoming virtual program that involves space exploration. Check it out!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Girl Scout Virtual Program
Livingston Families: Extra day this coming weekend! This is a reminder that we have NO SCHOOL, Monday, January 18th, 2021. See you back on Tuesday, January 19th.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
NO SCHOOL January 18th,  2021
The January Newsletter is ready to view, here is the link Happy Reading!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
January Newsletter 20-21
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To Everyone! We wish you a very safe and Happy Holiday season. Winter Break starts December 23rd. See you back in school on January 4th!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Winter Break 2020
Livingston Holiday Spirit Week December 16th-22nd! A fun way to get in the holiday spirit, each day list below.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Holiday Spirt Week 20-21
Livingston Families: Emmie Schramm is thrilled, the bikes are here! Starting after Christmas, students in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade will begin working with our brand new Strider bikes. My goal is to teach every single kid how to ride a bike without training wheels. We will be going over bike safety, how to balance and stride on the bikes, and ultimately we will attach the pedals and every kid will be riding! Thanks to the Park County Pedalers, the Sander family, Ryan and Kristi, Calvin Sievers, Carson Hogan - Thrivent Financial, Chris and Brooke Robertson, Derek and Milli Moore, and Dana and Steven Cranfill, we are now able to make the vision that all kids in Cody will learn how to ride a bike a reality! Thank you for supporting your teachers and students.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Bike Fundraiser
Great information from our local PBS. December Education Zoom Webinar: PBS Kids and PBS Parents Sites Join WyomingPBS Education Coordinator, Carol Garber, for a Zoom Webinar for parents and early childhood educators. Participants will be introduced to the PBS Kids and PBS Parents sites. December 16th, 4:30 p.m. For more information, Contact Carol Garber at Register Here:
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
PBS Information
The December Newsletter is ready the view, here is the link Happy Reading! Remember December is a short month due to our Winter Break.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
December Newletter 2020
Livingston Families: Here's what the LOST & FOUND looks like today! We will be donating these items this week. Please remind your child to look tomorrow before we dismiss for Thanksgiving Break. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
lost and found 11/23/20
lost and found 11/23/20
Livingston Families: A message from our Principal and Teachers- We are thankful for our students and our amazing staff. We are blessed to have such wonderful students and families to work with and serve. We have truly enjoyed every moment this fall. We thank all of our families and the community for the continuous support. We hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Gallagher
Thanksgiving Break 2020